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Reino de Cordelia. Madrid. 2013. 18 cm. 109 p. il. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada. Colección 'Los versos de Cordelia', 13. Keats, John 1795-1821. PoesÃa. Traducción, prólogo y notas de Luis Alberto de Cuenca y José Fernández Bueno ; ilustraciones de Will H. Low. Texto en inglés y traducción al español. Cuenca, Luis Alberto de. 1950-. traductor. Fernández Bueno, José. 1953-. traductor .. Este libro es de segunda mano y tiene o puede tener marcas y señales de su anterior propietario. ISBN: 978-84-939974-7-2
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Lamia - Wikipedia In ancient Greek mythology Lamia (/ l e m i /; Greek: ) was a beautiful queen of Libya who became a child-eating daemon Aristophanes claimed her Lamia by John Keats The Project Gutenberg EBook of Lamia by John Keats This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever LAMIA - Demon & Sea-Monster of Greek Mythology LAMIA was a child-devouring sea-monster or night-haunting daemon She was a daughter of Poseidon and mother of the monsters Skylla (Scylla) and Akheilos (Acheilus Lamia Define Lamia at Dictionarycom Lamia definition Classical Mythology one of a class of fabulous monsters commonly represented with the head and breast of a woman and the body of a serpent said Lamia Weather Station - Weather conditions in Lamia live Local weather conditions in Lamia Fthiotis Greece lamia - Wiktionary lamia in William Smith editor (1854 1857) A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography volume 1 & 2 London: Walton and Maberly; Retrieved from " Lamia - Monster Girl Encyclopedia Wiki - Wikia A lamia coiling her long body around a man's while joined with him More than anything lamia family monsters love to coil themselves around a man's body and glue Lamia - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ensiklopedia bebas Dalam Mitologi Yunani Lamia (bahasa Yunani: ) adalah iblis setengah ular yang suka memakan bayi dalam mitos Yunani Kuno Lamia awalnya adalah seorang ratu Lamia - Wikisource the free online library Then Lamia breathd death breath; the sophists eye Like a sharp spear went through her utterly Keen cruel perceant stinging: she as well
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